Archives for category: Ethical Publicity

As new members of the hit Bravo television show, “The Real Housewives of D.C.,” Michaele and Tareq Salahi, somehow got past white house security to crash the official white house dinner. During the event their reality cameras were following the couple as they approached a security guard at a side entrance and could not find their names on the master guest list. After the guard could not find their names, the Salahi couple was then invited in, seemingly with no concern or questioning before being let inside.

Shortly after the event, Michaele posted pictures taken at the white house with famous and political figures on her Facebook page. The couple was also aware that the footage taken by their camera crew for their reality show would be released and aired on Bravo. The reality show also aired the other housewives watching the couple being questioned by Congress on C-SPAN.

The couple is now under federal investigation and the Bravo television show has already aired all the footage of the couple making it into the white house. Michaele and Tareq has kept their mouths shut until their story was to be aired on David Letterman. Before the show was taped the appearance was cancelled because it is said that the show would not pay their asking price. Michaele had then appeared on “The View” to tell her story and shortly after, had released that she was upset with the appearance after the audience clapped after a host stated that they should be in jail for what they have done.

In the hype of all of this, the couple made a comical appearance on the David Letterman show that made it seem that they were making fun of their serious breech of security. Michaele and Tareq Salahi quickly appeared alongside Letterman during his opening monologue. They then pretended to pose for pictures as a photographer with a camera came out in front of them and quickly ran off stage.

To watch their Letterman appearance:!

If the couple truly approached the white house dinner uninvited why would they do it with their reality show film crew capturing their every move? They have so much social media behind them to prove that they were at the event that it is like they never waned to hide what they had done in the first place.

Also, why would Michaele post all the photos from the event (the evidence) on her Facebook for all to see? Could it be that Michaele thought they really got away with their scam that posting the pictures wouldn’t make a difference? Are they so delusional and in denial that they are blocking out all scrutiny for what they have done?

Sources: The Huffington Post, October 9, 2010; YouTube; CBS News

In my attempts to try and stay informed about the newest news in the media world, I came across a story that made me question the purity of a charitable act. Last week Facebook founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg appeared on the Oprah show to announce his new foundation, Startup: Education, that took $100 million dollars to start that focuses on improving the education system in Newark, New Jersey.

Oprah starts the show talking about the buzz that has been developing about Zuckerberg and how today, on her show he will be making an announcement that will confirm all rumors. Also, on the show appearing with Zuckerberg is New Jersey’s Mayor, Cory Booker and Governor, Chris Christie. They claim that they are “putting politics aside” to help Zuckerberg in his efforts. After Zuckerberg gives his announcement of his new foundation, Oprah, Mayor Booker, Governor Christie, and the entire studio audience give him a standing ovation.

Responding to Oprah asking him why he is doing this, Zuckerberg responds, “every child deserves a good education and that is not happening.” She then continues to further ask why he choose Newark. Zuckerberg looks at Booker and Christie and says, “because I believe in these guys.” Zuckerberg went on to explain how he believes that one should “find great leaders and invest in them”. Booker and Christie explained the school system conditions in Newark and provided shocking statistical data about New Jersey’s drop-out rate. As icing on the cake, the U.S. Secretary of Education appeared via satellite and praised their efforts with this foundation.

Mark Zuckerberg on Oprah from Cindy W on Vimeo.

On the surface, I think that Zucherberg’s involvement and financial backing is wonderful and the education system in Newark, New Jersey, one of the worst in the country, does needs help. Although, after watching the show, so many questions started to arise. Oprah had said that Zuckerberg originally wanted to start the foundation and give the donation anonymously and after she had heard what he was going to do she couldn’t let his efforts go unrecognized.

Zuckerberg has started on of the of the most revolutionary social media tools of the decade. Does he really believe he needed Oprah to create a successful foundation? What changed from the moment Zucherberg decided to use his own money anonymously to start the foundation, to him making the announcement on Oprah’s show with the exact amount of money donated? Did Booker and Christie want to be a part of something so publicized like being on the Oprah show to help with their next re-election? Did Oprah need one last huge philanthropic event on the final season on her show? When Zuckerberg said he wanted to invest in great leaders did he mean paying $100 million to help their reputations or the children within the education system in Newark? Even more questionable, with the soon release of the Facebook movie, did Zuckerberg feel he needed to announce that the movie is not completely true to save face?

As I watching the show online I noticed that multiple social media outlets have taken this story to a whole new level. The video itself was posted by Vimeo, there has been 1,259 Tweets about the story, there are 623 members that have shared the story on Facebook, and there are 17 Diggs about the video posted online. The use of social media outlets have obviously helped this story take flight and reach its intended audience. Did Zuckerberg appear on Oprah because he genuinely wanted to do right and with his experience with social media knew the show would cause more buzz in the necessary social media outlets?

What do you think?